Simplify your mobile experience with LabNex

Native Android app for GitLab

Main screen - LabNex

Highlighted features

File browser

With LabNex, you gain complete control over navigating, organizing, and managing all your project files, ensuring a seamless workflow.

Code editor

LabNex features a code editor, designed to elevate your coding experience by providing a intuitive environment for editing and managing your files.

Diff viewer

The diff viewer is the core of every Git tool, and LabNex has you covered with its enhanced diff viewer.


GitLab activities function like notifications, keeping you updated on project progress and changes, so you can easily stay informed.

Multiple accounts

LabNex comes with built-in multiple account support, which is useful for adding multiple instances to the app.

M3 design

Google's M3 design is the modern approach to building apps, and LabNex is crafted around it to deliver a cleaner UI for an enhanced experience.

What is LabNex?

LabNex is an Android app designed for GitLab, enabling you to manage your projects effortlessly while on the go, ensuring productivity even when you're away from your desk.

Is it free and open-source?

Yes, the source code is available here. To support ongoing development, the Play Store version is paid, but you can download the app for free from F-Droid or as an APK.

Does LabNex support HTTP-only connections?

No, LabNex exclusively supports HTTPS connections to GitLab instances, ensuring secure communication and data transfer.

I want to translate it into my language. How should I proceed?

Translations are done through Crowdin. You can request the language you'd like to add to the app if it's not already listed.

How can I support the app?

To support the app, you can purchase the Play Store version, become a Patron.

I want to help with the development.

That’s fantastic to hear! Please visit the Contribution wiki page to get started and learn how you can contribute.